Workshops To Cascade Agreement On Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Align managers and employees throughout your holding company, divisions, departments and teams

Getting Managers and Employees To Understand Uncomfortable Leadership Moments and Priorities Is Essential To Managing The Cycle

Merge Sales Teams - Why Sales Teams Fail

Internal Moments Related To…

  • Mission, Vision, Values, Initiatives
  • Plans
  • Forecasts
  • Structure (legal and organization)
  • Procedures
  • Technology Enablers
  • People Management
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Data Fields and Collection
  • Analysis and Recommendations
  • Reporting
  • Process Improvements

External Moments Related To…

  • Competitors
  • Industries
  • Customers
  • Geographic
  • Economic
  • Technology Advancements
  • Societal Trends
  • Regulatory and Legal
  • Environmental
  • Geopolitical

Steps To Cascade Alignment On Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Step 1

Assessment of attendees perspective on Uncomfortable Leadership Moments.

Step 2

Interview Attendees to clarify their perspective on Uncomfortable Leadership Moments.

Step 3

Facilitate Workshop to interactively gain alignment on Uncomfortable Leadership Moments.


Step 4

Document Presentation of alignment and priorities.

Pricing For Cascade Workshops

  • Completion of an Executive Alignment Workshop is a prerequisite to scheduling a Cascading Workshop.
  • Enterprise discounts are available when cascading alignment to three or more teams.

Workshop Without Pre-Workshop Interviews

$10,999/per workshop
  • Pre-Workshop Briefing (1-hour for up to 15-people via Zoom or Teams)
  • Pre-Workshop Self-Assessment (up to 20 people)
  • Workshop Facilitation Guide with questionnaire and interview summary (PowerPoint)
  • Workshop Facilitation for one and a half days for up to 20 people
  • Workshop Summary Report with recommendations (Word or PowerPoint)
  • Post Workshop Review Meeting (1-2 hours for up to 20 people via Zoom or Teams)