Part 8

Provide Instant Knowledge Transfer To Employees

Products and Services, Applications, Pricing Models, Competitor Intel, Customer and Industry Intel, Procedures

To Calmly Manage The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments Provide Instant Knowledge Transfer To Employees

Instant Knowledge Transfer enables managers and employees to access, find, understand, remember, and share information with each other, customers, and vendors. It consists of:

  • Product and Service information.
  • Applications of Products and Services information.
  • Pricing Models and Discounts information.
  • Competitor insights and comparisons.
  • Customer Industry insights and comparisons.
  • Work Procedures including step-by-step instructions.

Four Steps To Ensure Your Knowledge Transfer Addresses Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Step 1

Assess your knowledge transfer guides for sharing information plans, forecast, and work procedure information.

Step 2

Workshops To Build/Update knowledge transfer guides for plans, forecasts and work procedures.

Step 3

Measure and Maintain Instant Access to knowledge transfer guides for employees and managers. .

Step 4

Set-up Alignment Monitoring for changes to plans, forecasts and procedure information that create the need to update knowledge transfer guides.