Train People To Calmly Manage The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Intentionally develop executives and managers knowledge and skills to formulate, execute and evaluate strategy.

Do Your Executives and Managers Possess Strategic Management Knowledge and Skills To Calmly Manage The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments?

Our interactive training develops executives and managers Strategic Management knowledge and skills so they can seize control of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments when:

  • Formulating strategy including forecasts, plans, organization structure, and mission, purpose, vision and strategic initiatives?
  • Executing strategy including procedures, people management practices, technology enables, and knowledge transfer?
  • Evaluating strategy including data fields and collection, analysis and recommendations, reporting, and process improvement?

Intentionally Develop Strategic Management Knowledge and Skills…

For Entrepreneurs

Turn innovators into business leaders that expedite growth.

For High Potential Leaders

Develop a cadre of future leaders with a shared approach to strategic management.

For Leadership Teams

Unify executives and managers in their strategic management approach.

For Career Development

Enable employees with leadership aspirations to take control of their development.

Adapt Our Programs To Your Situation and Participants Needs

We offer multiple types of Training Series, Workshops and Briefings. They range from hours to days to a series facilitated over weeks, months or quarters.

We recommend using a training series approach. This spreads the process of learning and application over time rather than in one or two workshops.

This improves retention, practical application, and behavior change which lead to a lasting impact and sustainable results. It also demonstrates leadership commitment to continuous learning. 

Training Series consists of a kick-off workshop event followed by a series of weekly, monthly, or quarterly remote on in-person working sessions. 

Pricing For Strategic Management Training

Pricing For Training Workshop Covering All Three Modules

One and Half Day Workshop

$17,200/per cohort
  • Pre-Workshop Briefing (1-hour for up to 20-people via Zoom or Teams)
  • Pre-Workshop Online Self-Assessment (up to 20 people)
  • Pre-Workshop One-on-One Interviews (1-hour for up to 20 people via Zoom or Teams)
  • Workshop Facilitation and Materials covering three sections – – strategy formulation, execution and evaluation for up to 20 people in person.
  • Plus travel expenses.

One Day Workshop

$15,500/per cohort
  • Pre-Workshop Briefing (1-hour for up to 20-people via Zoom or Teams)
  • Pre-Workshop Online Self-Assessment (up to 20 people)
  • Pre-Workshop One-on-One Interviews (1-hour for up to 20 people via Zoom or Teams)
  • Workshop Facilitation and Materials covering three sections – – strategy formulation, execution and evaluation for up to 20 people in person
  • Plus travel expenses.

Pricing For Three Part Training Series of Workshops

Workshops can be delivered in three consecutive weeks, months or quarters.

Training Modules

Strategy Execution Modules

Translate Mission, Vision, Values and Behaviors

Clarify your strategic intent including your purpose (mission), core values and behaviors, goals (vision) and strategic initiatives.

Forecast Accurately and Timely

Align your forecasts for revenue, work activities, productivity, staffing levels, and expense requirements.

Plan Products, Services, Markets and Execution

Validate that your product, service, industry, geographic, and customer plans are viable in the external marketplace.

Structure Businesses,  Departments and Jobs

Organize your business units, processes, departments, and jobs to clarify responsibilities, drive accountability and achieve results.

Strategy Formulation Modules

Map and Document Procedures

Recruiters - Hiring Process Design

Transparently identify work activities for serving each customer use case, across every stage of the customer life cycle.

Deploy Technology Enablers

Business Networking Training - Sales Technology

Ensure that technology is enabling your employees and managers – – rather than disenabling them!

Integrate Management Practices

Integrate your human resource practices to your mission, vision and goals at every stage of the employee life cycle.

Transfer Technical Knowledge

Provide instant access to instructions and policies so employees and managers can execute with precision!

Strategy Evaluation Modules

Accurate and Complete Data Tracking

Ensure that data fields are  hierarchical, have consistent naming conventions, are collected as work is completed, are fully populated, and stored together.

Trusted and Timely Analytics

Integrate data tables so consistent analysis, interpretation, gap identification and process improvements can be instantly prioritized. 

Cascaded Reporting For Managers & Employees

Organize and Display data hierarchies uniformly so executives, managers and employees have a consistent view of data and analysis.

Actionable Process Improvements

Book Club - Image

Clarify action plans with specific accountability, actions, deadlines, expected outcomes, expenses, ROI; frequent progress reviews. 

Our Instructional Approach