Coach People How To Calmly Manage Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Develop executives and managers knowledge and skills for formulating, executing and evaluating strategy

Are Your Underperforming Executives and Managers Uncomfortable or Traditional Leaders?

  • Embrace Discomfort as a catalyst for growth and innovation.
  • Challenge Conventional Thinking and actively seeks new perspectives and approaches.
  • Willing To Take Risks and explore uncharted territory in pursuit of progress and improvement.
  • Create Tension or discomfort within the team or organization by questioning norms and pushing for change.
  • Value Transparency, Authenticity, and Openness to feedback and dissenting opinions.
  • Encourage Continuous Learning, adaptation, and resilience.
  • Adhere To Conventional Norms and practices.
  • Seek Stability and Predictability at all times.
  • Prefer The Status Quo and sticking to familiar methods and routines.
  • Prioritize Maintaining Harmony and avoiding conflict within the team or organization.
  • Follow Established Hierarchies and procedures without questioning them.
  • Avoid Risk or changes that might disrupt the existing order.
  • Feel Threatened By Feedback and dissenting opinions.
  • Confine Learning within the boundaries of existing norms and traditions.

Regardless of Their Leadership Style What Strategic Management Knowledge and Skills Do They Possess?

Many underperforming executives and managers struggle to seize control of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments because they lack the knowledge, skills and experience to:

  • Formulate strategy including forecasts, plans, organization structure, and mission, purpose, vision and strategic initiatives?
  • Execute strategy including procedures, people management practices, technology enables, and knowledge transfer?
  • Evaluate strategy including data fields and collection, analysis and recommendations, reporting, and process improvement?

Five Tools For Coaching Underperforming Executives and Managers

These Tools Can Be Used With Individuals or Cohorts…

Tool #1

Assessment of strategic management knowledge, skills and experience.

Tool #2

Inventory of their uncomfortable leadership moments and priorities.

Tool #3

Exercises to develop help them develop strategic management knowledge and skills.

Tool #4

Best Practice Sharing to bring them up to speed on strategic management.

Tool #5

One-on-One meetings to discuss exercises and real-life application of strategy management practices.

Pricing For Coaching Underperforming Executives and Managers Cohort

Monthly Coaching

$7,200/per month
  • Individual Exercises and One-on-One Meeting (1 hour for up to 15 people via Zoom or Teams)
  • Cohort Group Meeting (1-hour for up to 15 people via Zoom or Teams)

Quarterly Coaching

$8,900/per quarter
  • Individual Exercises and One-on-One Meeting (1 hour for up to 15 people via Zoom or Teams)
  • Cohort Group Meeting (1-hour for up to 15 people via Zoom or Teams)

One Time Coaching

$5,800/per session
  • Individual Exercises and One-on-One Meeting (1 hour for up to 15 people via Zoom or Teams)
  • Cohort Group Meeting (1-hour for up to 15 people via Zoom or Teams)

Pricing For Coaching One Underperforming Executive or Manager

Monthly Coaching

$1,800/per month
  • Individual Exercises and One-on-One Meeting (1 hour via Zoom or Teams)

Quarterly Coaching

$2,100/per quarter
  • Individual Exercises and One-on-One Meeting (1 hour via Zoom or Teams)

One Time Coaching

$11,800/per session
  • Individual Exercises and One-on-One Meeting (1 hour via Zoom or Teams)