Part 2

Integrate Your Forecasts

Revenue, Expense, Work Activity, Productivity, and Staffing Levels

To Calmly Manage The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments Your Forecasts Must Be Hierarchical, Integrated, Understood and Applied

Forecasts are the foundation for accountability. They provide middle managers and employees with specific guidance for planning, goal setting, and performance evaluation, It consists of detailed requirements for:

  • Revenue – – new customer acquisition, customer contract renewals and repeat sales, past-customer win-backs.
  • Work Activity – – units and cycle time to meet your revenue requirements.
  • Productivity – – work hours requirements to meet your work activity requirements.
  • Staffing – – numbers and timing requirements of full-time (FTE) and part-time (PTE) employees required to execute your productivity requirements.
  • Expenses – – dollars and timing requirements needed to fund your staffing, productivity and work activity requirements.

Four Steps To Ensure Your Forecasts Address Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Step 1

Assess alignment of forecasts to goal setting, procedures, performance evaluation, and compensation, 

Step 2

Audit revenue, work activity, productivity, staffing and expense forecasts for completeness, integration.

Step 3

Workshop To Build/Update integration of the five forecasts and alignment to your scenario plans.

Step 4

Set-up Alignment Monitoring of forecasts to your plans, organization structure, procedures and technology.