Formulate Strategy

Mission, Values, Vision, Strategic Initiatives, Forecasting, Planning, Organization Structure

Step 1

Clarify Your Strategic Intent

Strategic Intent is your company’s reason for being, competitive advantage, behavior guide, and compass for strategic decision-making. It consists of your:

  • Core Ideology – – purpose of the business and values i.e. mission.
  • Audacious Goal – – definition of what success looks like in 5 to 10-years i.e. vision.
  • Competitive Advantage – – the unique market position the company will hold.
  • Strategic Initiatives – – that will drive achievement of your audacious goal.


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Field strategy questionnaires to gather internal insight from employees, managers and executives.
  • Conduct one-on-one interviews and focus groups to uncover hidden insights.
  • Facilitate executive workshops to gain alignment, prioritize and document your strategic intent.

Step 2

Integrate Forecasts To Your Capabilities

Forecasts are the foundation for accountability. They provide middle managers and employees with specific guidance for planning, goal setting, and performance evaluation, It consists of detailed requirements for:

  • Revenue – – new customer acquisition, customer contract renewals and repeat sales, past-customer win-backs.
  • Work Activity – – units and cycle time to meet your revenue requirements.
  • Productivity – – work hours requirements to meet your work activity requirements.
  • Staffing – – numbers and timing requirements of full-time (FTE) and part-time (PTE) employees required to execute your productivity requirements.
  • Expenses – – dollars and timing requirements needed to fund your staffing, productivity and work activity requirements.


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Document your revenue, work activity, productivity, staffing, and expense requirements and assumptions.
  • Integrate all five forecasts into a cause-and-effect scenario planning model.
  • Facilitate scenario planning conversations and documentation to provide a foundation for product/service, market, sales, marketing, and operations planning.
  • Conduct gap analysis, process improvement targeting, and action planning to close gaps.
  • Align all five forecasts into your performance goal setting, evaluation, compensation, training processes.
  • Update and Communicate your forecasts to investors, executives, managers, and employees.

Step 3

Validate That Your Plans Are Viable

Develop Review Strategy Image

Plans are your company’s road map for strategy execution, a filter for decision-making, and a communications guide for middle managers and employees. It consists of detailed plans for your:

  • Product/Service – – hierarchy, features, benefits of your offerings.
  • Use Cases– – how buyers use your offerings.
  • Pricing – – item, bundles, discounts, terms and conditions.
  • Industry – – prioritization of sub-industries that buy your offerings.
  • Geographic – – prioritization of where your offerings will be sold.
  • Customer – – insights, wants and needs by company hierarchy.
  • Competitors – – insights, alerts,  positioning, and differentiation


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Document your product/service hierarchy, features and benefits in relationship to competitors.
  • Scope and Size your external market.
  • Analyze the viability of your revenue goals in relationship to the external market.
  • Facilitate planning workshops with product, industry, and geographic market managers to gain alignment, prioritize, and document.
  • Communicate plans to investors, executives, managers, and employees.
  • Train sales and customer service people on product, service, industry and geographic plans.

Step 4

Structure Business Units, Departments, and Job Descriptions For Accountability

Failed New Sales Team

Organization Structure defines how activities are structured to achieve your goals. It is the foundation for establishing job responsibilities, accountability, and delegation of decision-making authority. It consists of your:

  • Legal Structure for holding and operating companies.
  • Channel Structure for products/services, geography, industry, customer size, etc. 
  • Department Structure for sales and marketing, delivery of offerings, shared services approach.
  • Decision-making delegation – – centralized or decentralized.
  • Span of Control approach – – the number of employees reporting to one manager.
  • Work Specialization – – generalists or specialist job descriptions.


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Assess your current organization structure and it’s viability to execute your strategy.
  • Design your holding company and/or operating company structure.
  • Restructure your organization to execute your strategy.
  • Integrate multiple organization structures when restructuring or post merger.