Part 3

Validate That Your Plans Are Viable

Products/Services, Applications, Pricing, Industry, Geographic, Customer and Competitor Plans

To Calmly Manage The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments Your Plans Must Be Hierarchical, Differentiated, Integrated, Understood and Applied

Plans are your company’s road map for strategy execution, a filter for decision-making, and a communications guide for middle managers and employees. It consists of detailed plans for your:

  • Product/Service – – hierarchy, features, benefits of your offerings.
  • Use Cases– – how buyers use your offerings.
  • Pricing – – item, bundles, discounts, terms and conditions.
  • Industry – – prioritization of sub-industries that buy your offerings.
  • Geographic – – prioritization of where your offerings will be sold.
  • Customer – – insights, wants and needs by company hierarchy.
  • Competitors – – insights, alerts,  positioning, and differentiation

Four Steps To Ensure Your Forecasts Address Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Step 1

Assess your planning documents level of hierarchical completeness and integration with procedures, technology, and knowledge transfer. 

Step 2

Analyze external viability of your plans including market scope and size in relationship to your revenue goals and internal capacity.

Step 3

Workshops To Build/Update product/service, applications, pricing, industry, geographic, customer and competitor plans

Step 4

Set-up Alignment Monitoring of plans to external markets and internal procedures, technology, people management, and knowledge transfer.