Execute Strategy

Procedures, Technology Enablers, People Management, Knowledge Transfer

Step 1

Transparently Map and Document Procedures

Recruiters - Hiring Process Design

Work Procedures provide managers and employees with context and understanding of the workflow across the entire customer life cycle. They consist of activities for:

  • Product and Service Development innovation, development and management.
  • Operations/Fulfillment to customers.
  • Marketing Communications to build brand awareness and engagement.
  • Sales to acquire, onboard, retain, up-sell, cross-sell, and win-back buyers.
  • Human Resources to attract, engage and retain the right employees. 
  • Accounting and Finance to sustain viability.
  • Information Technology to secure automate enablers of employees and customers.
  • Facilities Management to enable on site and remote work.


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Assess your existing process maps, procedure documents, step-by-steps instructions, policies, and guidelines.
  • Create process maps, procedure documents, step-by-steps instructions, policies, and guidelines.
  • Facilitate Process Improvement updates to your procedure documents, step-by-steps instructions, policies, and guidelines.
  • Train and Coach on how to map processes, procedure documents, step-by-steps instructions, policies, and guidelines.

Step 2

Ensure Technology Is Enabling Employees and Managers

Text Book - Sales Technology

Deploy Technology Enablers to automate repetitive tasks, streamline manual work activities, continuously improve quality, and produce more output. It consists of:

  • Sales and marketing – – lead management, sales activity dispositions, proposals, order management
  • Operations – – warehousing, inventory, scheduling, MES, quality, safety and 
  • Accounting – – quoting, billing, collections, time tracking, expenses
  • Customer Service – – inquiry ticketing, management, knowledge library, help desk
  • Communications – – phone, email, messaging, chat, fax, mail
  • Collaboration – – screen sharing, project management, shared files
  • Productivity – – calendar, note taking, Office 365, Google Suite,
  • Human Resources


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Assess technology availability, data structure, integrations, automation, up time, training and adoption by managers and employees.
  • Document your complete data field hierarchies across departments and processes.
  • Facilitate identification, evaluation and selection of technology vendors. 
  • Facilitate implementation of technology installation, upgrades and replacements. 
  • Train and Coach on how to use technology.

Step 3

Integrate Management Practices To Your Strategic Intent

Develop Review Strategy Image

Management Practices translate your procedures into manager and employee skill requirements, personal responsibilities, and the foundation for self-accountability. They consist of:

  • Hiring – – hierarchy, features, benefits of your offerings.
  • Employee Onboarding– – how buyers use your offerings.
  • Performance Goals and Evaluation – – item, bundles, discounts, terms and conditions.
  • Compensation, Rewards and Recognition – – prioritization of sub-industries that buy your offerings.
  • Training – – prioritization of where your offerings will be sold.
  • Coaching – – insights, wants and needs by company hierarchy.
  • Career and Leadership Development – – insights, alerts,  positioning, and differentiation


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Assess your existing management process maps, procedure documents, step-by-steps instructions, policies, and guidelines.
  • Create management process maps, procedure documents, step-by-steps instructions, policies, and guidelines.
  • Facilitate Process Improvement updates to your management procedure documents, step-by-steps instructions, policies, and guidelines.
  • Train and Coach managers how to map processes, procedure documents, step-by-steps instructions, policies, and guidelines.

Step 4

Provide Instant Technical and Non-Technical Knowledge Transfer

Failed New Sales Team

Instant Knowledge Transfer enables managers and employees to access, find, understand, remember, and share information with each other, customers, and vendors. It consists of:

  • Product and Service information.
  • Applications of Products and Services information.
  • Pricing Models and Discounts information.
  • Competitor insights and comparisons.
  • Customer Industry insights and comparisons.


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Document your product/service hierarchy, features and benefits, pricing and discount model, and competitor comparisons.
  • Create process navigation guides to provide employees with instant access to information – – without memorizing and recalling information.
  • Maintain updates to information in the process navigation guide.
  • Communicate plans to investors, executives, managers, and employees.
  • Train and Coach employees and managers how to use the process navigation guide.