Part 11

Organize and Display Reports To Link Executives, Managers and Employees

Products and Services, Applications, Pricing Models, Competitor Intel, Customer and Industry Intel, Procedures

To Calmly Manage The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments Organize and Display Reports To Link Executives and Managers

Data Reporting presents data, analysis and recommendations to board members, investors, executives, managers and employees for the purpose of:

  • Building awareness.
  • Gaining alignment.
  • Creating urgency.
  • Prioritizing improvements.
  • Making timely decisions.

Common data reports include financial, customers, process, employee, industry, stakeholder, and external economic.

Four Steps To Organize and Display Reports To Address Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Step 1

Audit your reporting dashboards and cascading to executives, managers and employees.

Step 2

Measure and Monitor reporting for timeliness, accuracy and impact on decision making.

Step 3

Workshops To Build/Update executive, manager and employee alignment and understanding of reports.

Step 4

Set-up Alignment Monitoring of changes to forecasts, plans, procedures, and people that trigger changes to reports.