Gain Agreement On Uncomfortable Leadership Moments and Priorities

Solutions For Holding Companies, Divisions, Departments and Teams

The First Step To Calmly Manage The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments Is To Gain Agreement Among and Between Executives and Managers

Internal Moments Related To…

  • Mission, Vision, Values, Initiatives
  • Plans
  • Forecasts
  • Structure (legal and organization)
  • Procedures
  • Technology Enablers
  • People Management
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Data Fields and Collection
  • Analysis and Recommendations
  • Reporting
  • Process Improvements
Overwhelmed By Strategy Execution

External Moments Related To…

  • Competitors
  • Industries
  • Customers
  • Geographic
  • Economic
  • Technology Advancements
  • Societal Trends
  • Regulatory and Legal
  • Environmental
  • Geopolitical

Four Steps To Gain Agreement On Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Step 1

Assessment to identify, categorize, prioritize and sequence Uncomfortable Leadership Moments.

Step 2

Workshop To Gain Executive Alignment on Uncomfortable Leadership Moments and priorities

Step 3

Workshops To Cascade Alignment and Priorities to divisions, departments, and teams.

Step 4

Set-up Monitoring to identify changes, sustain agreement, and refresh alignment and cascading.

Framework for Gaining Agreement On Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Part 1

We use the hierarchies within The Principles of Strategic Management to show executives and managers how to quickly Identify, Categorize and Organize Uncomfortable Leadership Moments. 

ArmatureEBS Framework

Part 2

We then use the hierarchies within The Principles of Change Management to show executives and managers how to quickly Prioritize and Sequence Changes To systematically address Uncomfortable Leadership Moments.