Evaluate Strategy

Data Fields and Collections, Analysis and Recommendations, Reporting and Process Improvement

Step 1

Ensure Data Fields Are Hierarchical, Complete and Consistent

Data Tracking provides executives, managers and employees with the details needed to inform their decision-making.

It consists of your:

  • Data category hierarchies and fields
  • Data field naming conventions
  • Compliance with data field completion
  • Data storage and interconnections

Common data hierarchies include products/services, industries, geographies, companies/customers, employees,  departments/processes, and revenue streams.


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Audit your data hierarchies, fields, naming conventions, storage and interconnections. 
  • Map your data category hierarchies and field structure
  • Define your data field naming conventions
  • Monitor data entry compliance for accuracy and completeness
  • Facilitate executive workshops to gain alignment, understanding of your data structure for decision-making..

Step 2

Integrate Data Tables For Consistency and Integrated Analysis 

Data Analysis converts internal and external raw data into actionable insights to improve alignment and decision making including:

  • Predicting future outcomes.
  • Diagnosing problems.
  • Finding the best course of action.
  • Identifying trends and relationships.

Common data analytics include predictive, prescriptive, diagnostic and descriptive analytics. 


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Document your data tables and sources.
  • Integrate your data tables into one storage location. 
  • Conducting data analysis.
  • Explaining findings.
  • Preparing options and recommendations.
  • Briefing executives, board members, managers and employees.

Step 3

Organize and Display Data and Analysis To Align Managers and Employees

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Data Reporting presents data, analysis and recommendations to board members, investors, executives, managers and employees for the purpose of:

  • Building awareness.
  • Gaining alignment.
  • Creating urgency.
  • Prioritizing improvements.
  • Making timely decisions.

Common data reports include financial, customers, process, employee, industry, stakeholder, and external economic.


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Facilitate dashboard design.  
  • Cascade of dashboards to create clear line of sight.
  • Train board members, executives, managers and employees how to use data reports. 
  • Facilitate dashboard review meetings (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually).

Step 4

Clarify Process Improvement Action Plans

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Process Improvements enable managers and employees to take corrective actions and/or implement new processes and technology. It consists of:

  • Defining opportunities for improvement.
  • Reviewing internal and external data and analysis. 
  • Prioritizing improvements.
  • Crafting action plans that identify goals, steps, accountability, milestones and completion dates, and key performance indicators. 
  • Monitoring completion of action plans.
  • Tracking results of process improvement outcomes after implementation.


We provide the following methods and tools to help you:

  • Recommend process improvements 
  • Facilitate process improvement targeting, and action planning to close gaps.
  • Facilitate process improvement planning meetings (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual).
  • Facilitate accounting meetings to keep process improvements on track.
  • Train executives and managers on process improvement.