Develop People To Calmly Manage The Cycle of Uncomfortable Leadership Moments

Strategic Management Knowledge and Skills For Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Managers

The Third Step To Manage The Cycle of  Uncomfortable Leadership Moments Is To Develop Executives and Managers Strategic Management Knowledge and Skills

Do they possess the Strategic Management knowledge and skills to calmly manage Uncomfortable Leadership Moments::

  • Formulating strategy including forecasts, plans, organization structure, and mission, purpose, vision and strategic initiatives?
  • Executing strategy including procedures, people management practices, technology enables, and knowledge transfer?
  • Evaluating strategy including data fields and collection, analysis and recommendations, reporting, and process improvement?

Four Steps To Develop People Your Strategic Management Capability

Use Our Assessments, Exercises, Workshops and Retainer Services To…

Step 1

Screen Job Candidates strategic management knowledge, skills and experience.

Step 2

Coach underperforming executives and managers to improve their ability to execute.

Step 3

Train executives and managers how to formulate, execute and evaluate strategy.

Step 4

Develop Career Plans with employees, managers and executives.